For help ordering online, choosing the right tool, custom inquiries, and for general information, please use our contact form or contact us at [email protected] or 503-479-5571. (Please leave a message if we do not answer, and we'll call you back as soon as we are able to.) If you want to send images, texting us at the phone number or emailing us is the best option.
Hours: By appointment or by chance, though we can usually be found in the shop weekdays 9:30-3:30.
Location: Our new workshop and showroom is located at:
2122 SW Borland Rd, West Linn, OR 97034
Our shop is 2 minutes from the I205 and Stafford Rd intersection. If visiting, please do not enter the residential driveway with the same address next door. Use the commercial driveway with a fence and gate. Our gate will be open if we are there. Look for this sign to locate our driveway.

If you are in the Portland area and want to pick up some tools in person, need a custom tool made or personalized, need a tool fixed or sharpened, or just want to order online and pick up in person to save on shipping, let us know.
You can also usually find us at one of the regular, annual garden shows we try to attend:
- Northwest Flower and Garden Show (Seattle Convention Center - February)
- Hortlandia (Portland metro area - April)
- GardenPalooza (Gervais/Bauman's Farm - April)
- Spring Garden Fair (Fairgrounds - Canby, OR - weekend before Mother's Day)