Here are some tips for choosing a broadfork
Posted by Bob Denman on 1/13/2015 to
How to articles.....
If you have a moderately dense soil and beds of moderate width, I would suggest the following.......
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The Right Shovel
Posted by Bob Denman on 11/12/2014 to
How to articles.....

A spade, we are told, is a spade, and not to be confused with a shovel.
The common garden spade, as it evolved in Europe and particularly in England, has a blade that is a rectangle. (Photo of different types of shovels offered.)
The digging shovel so ubiquitous here in the U.S.A. has a blade shaped exactly like a spade. (Just compare your shovel, head up, to any deck of cards.)
Go figure.
Shapes aside, the primary difference between ...